Various studies have shown an association between diabetes/glucose intolerance and dementia; for example, these blood sugar spikes can cause insulin deficiency in the brain even in people without diabetes.

Moreover, recent studies have also shown that diabetes patients have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease than people who are not.

Insulin is used when converting glucose to energy. If we rapidly increase blood sugar by eating too quickly, not enough insulin reaches the brain.

Excess sugar intake can case of insulin disorder and lead to a shortage of energy in the brain’s hippocampus, which deals with memory.

Repeating this situation can make us careless and easily distracted, cause memory loss, and may increase the risk of dementia.

Potential diabetes people with 5.7% or more HbA1c or 140mg/dl or more after-eating blood sugar level face a risk of insulin disorder. Insulin disorder causes accumulation of β-amyloid protein in our brain, which is a cause of Alzheimer’s disease and may start about 25 years before the disease occurs.

For reducing the risk of diabetes and dementia including Alzheimer’s disease,we need to avoid eating too quickly or too much and consuming too much sugarwhich leads blood sugar spikes.

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