SECRETS OF LONGEVITY AND HEALTHY LIFE: Antioxidant and Not Over Eating (2/2)
The key to boost up Sirtuin is “moderation in eating”
Do you know a well-known Japanese proverb, “hara-hachibu”? The direct meaning is “Eat until you are 80% full,”and the proverb helps reminding you.
that you shouldn't eat until you are full or offers you “moderation in eating.”
The importance of this proverb has been proved by a study of aging mechanism by using rhesus monkeys conducted in the US.
The study followed two groups of rhesus monkeys for 20 years to see the difference of aging: monkeys on a calorie-restricted diet (30% lower in total intake than they would normally consume) and those on a standard diet.
From the 20-years observation, the study found that the monkeys on a calorie-restricted diet lived longer and healthier than those on a standard diet.
There are interesting pictures (see right) showing the appearance of rhesus monkeys in old age (approximately 27.6 years) related to the study: Picture A and B show a typical control (standard diet monkey, and Picture C and D show an age-matched calorically restricted monkey.
You can see the difference obviously; the monkey on a calorie-restricted diet (Picture C&D) looks younger and healthier. Yet, fortunately our body has some mechanisms to process and reduce ROS by itself.
One of them is Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) to remove ROS. Furthermore, Vitamin, C, E, polyphenol (ex. catechin in tea), and SOD containing in plants are considered as the most important antioxidant nutrients.
These nutrients are already well-known to reduce ROS in the body, so taking these nutrients by meal is also a practical way to reduce ROS. By eating vegetables, fruits and grains which contain rich of these five important nutrients regularly, let's reduce and get rid of ROS in the body!
Nowadays, the causal relationship between aging and food intake is still be an object of major sociological attention, and the research objective is not only observing monkeys but also mouse, drosophila, and yeast. These researches show mostly the same results as the monkey case; these data indicate that calorie restriction slows aging and reduces the risk of killer diseases.
Those results apply humans as well. Furthermore, according to another research, individuals who impose a 20% reduction in their calorie consumption for 2-6 years lose fat weight and show significant improvement in their markers of aging, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and glucose control.
Why calorie restriction slows aging and reduces the risk of killer diseases? According to many studies, a class of proteins, Sirtuins, involves as anti-aging genes. In 1999, Dr. Leonard P. Guarente at Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that Sirtuins links to longevity in mammals.
It has been implicated in influencing a wide range of cellular processes like aging, transcription, apoptosis, inflammation and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations. As the association between Sirtuins and calorie restriction, low-calorie situations affect activation of Sirtuins, and the activation of Sirtuins accelerate cell metabolism and reduces ROD as the result.
Historically, human beings have fought against starvation and modified the body for fighting against or surviving from hunger. Acquisition of Sirtuins is one of consequences from the fight and for maintaining their life if the incidence of hunger occurs.
Some researches prove that Sirtuins will increase approximately within 3 weeks after calorie restriction has started and that its increase will help reducing internal organs fat, high blood pressure, and hyperglycosemia.
Moreover, the similar results is shown at the research conducted by the Kanazawa Medical University and observing subjects who impose a 20% reduction in their calorie consumption for 3 months.
However, the impact and effect to calorie restriction may vary greatly from person to person.
Proper calorie restriction will differ from individuals amount of exercise, life style, or health condition.
Therefore, calorie restriction may cause of disrupt of the nutrient balance if it is considered as “improper” or “not-appropriate.” Especially, the elderly, pregnant women, children, naturally light eaters, or too thin person (BMI is lower than 18) shall not conduct excessive restrictions on own judgement and need to consult medical specialists.
In conclusion, these following Japanese phases, “moderation in eating,” “harm of over eating,” “eating when your stomach is completely empty,” “chewing well,”
or “eat grain and seasonal vegetables,” handed down orally from past generations in Japan as a lesson and secret for longevity, and these are clarified by scientific evidences though researches and studies.
For maintain your healthy life and pursuing longevity, why don't you review your diet or manage the potion you eat once?